
What is NLP?

  • Building computer systems that analyze, understand, and generate natural languages.
  • Deep understanding of broad language
    • not just string processing or keyword matching
Can you think of NLP applications?

Speech Recognition

Speech Recognition

Speech Recognition is usually not considered NLP. We will not cover this topic here.

Machine Translation

Personal Assistants

Information Extraction

Information Extraction


Question Answering

Sentiment Analysis

Machine Comprehension

Cognitive Science and Psycholinguistics

Why is it difficult?

Ambiguity Everywhere


Fed raises interest rates 0.5% in effort to control inflation


Fed raises interest rates 0.5% in effort to control inflation


Fed raises interest rates 0.5% in effort to control inflation

Fool a Sentiment Analyzer

Fool a Machine Translator

Count N-grams


This course covers three core dimensions of NLP:

  • Tasks (tokenization, language models, machine translations etc.)
  • Methods (Maximum Likelihood, EM algorithm, dynamic programming etc.)
  • Implementations (document representations, efficient feature extraction etc.)

The lectures, and the structure of the course, will be driven by tasks.

NLP Tasks

  • Tokenization, Segmentation
  • Language Modelling
  • Machine Translation
  • Syntactic Parsing
  • Document Classification
  • Information Extraction
  • Topic Models and Word Embeddings
