At a Glance

Name Description Size License
AI2 Science Exams Elementary science questions from US state and regional science exams 170 multi-state and 108 4th grade questions. Creative Commons ShareAlike
DeepMind Daily Mail Collection of news articles and corresponding cloze queries 196,961 documents
879,450 queries
DeepMind CNN Collection of news articles and corresponding cloze queries 90,266 documents
380,298 queries
Facebook bAbI SimpleQuestions Generated data for 20 tasks testing specific aspects of text understanding and reasoning 108,442 questions BSD
Facebook bAbI Chidlren's Book Test Text passages and corresponding questions drawn from Project Gutenberg Children's books 669,343 training questions
8,000 dev questions
10,000 test questions
MCTest Machine comprehension of short stories 660 stories,
4 questions per story
SQuAD: Stanford Question Answering Dataset Crowdsourced question and answers with corresponding Wikipedia passages 107,785 question-answer pairs on 536 articles
Todai Robot Exams for entrance into the University of Tokyo N UNK